

Starting tomorrow, I will be in my 5th position in just under 2 years at work. Friday I was promoted to women's shoes. I am excited, nervous, and all that jazz. It happened way faster than I thought it would and I am just now starting to process what this means.

I'll tell you how it started first. I saw the posting last week in HR. I wanted to talk to the manager right away, but I didn't see her until later in the week. I talked to her about working in shoes, she seemed excited at the possibility of me joining her team, which made it even more exciting. The next day, our HR manager came up to ask if I had time to talk later. I went down after my break and talked to her. I wasn't sure what about. I didn't know if there was another opportunity or if it was the position in shoes. It was the position in shoes, obviously. When her and our store manager talked about the position, apparently I was one of the first people to pop up, which obviously makes me happy. When I had talked to the manager of the shoe department, she said I would have to interview and all that jazz; however, our HR manager said she was ready to offer me a job right now. Of course, I accepted. I was so excited. Then she said I start Monday. Holy shit. At that point, that was 3 days away. I was freaking out (in a good way). I sat down with one of our AST people and picked up shifts and dropped all my shifts in men's to open. I felt like a little bit of an ass because the manager of the men's department was going on vacation and now he had to fill all my hours. It wasn't my fault though. I didn't chose to start Monday. Ha! Sorry, dude. If I could have stayed through the week to make things easier for him, I would've. But, I didn't make that decision.

When I was talking to our HR manager. She said I could be in this position for 3-6 months before something else opens up. All of this is happening a lot faster than I thought it would. I was expecting to work my way up within the next 2 years or so. The way things are moving, it could vey well be less than  a year before I am where I want to be.

I am so excited and so glad that I have such a strong support system where I work. I know I say that a lot, but I can't stress how much that helps. They really want to not only see me succeed, but they want to help me get there.


I love my job. I love the people. I love the atmosphere (even though it gets crazy sometimes). I just love it.

Recently I applied for a merchandising lead at my store. Unfortunately, I didn't get it. It went to another internal employee who had "the dreaded 'e' word" as one of my friends put it. Once I heard that she had applied, it was a no brainer that they would pick her. I was pleased to find out that I was a close second though. For some people, it is hard to hear that they were that close to getting the job. I think because I have a job and I know that other things will come up, I am not worried. I would like something bigger to pop up sooner rather than later, but I am willing to wait it out. I know that they are on the lookout for different opportunities for me, so I just have to be patient.

Also at work, we have our annual awards nominations going on right now. I don't know when winners will be announced, but it's fun to nominate people. So far, I've written 3. It's a company wide thing and you can read other entries from stores all over the country. It's pretty awesome. I logged on this morning and found out that I have FIVE. I was completely blown away, but it made me happy. It's so good to know that all the work that I do is appreciated. I don't really care if I win or not, it would be awesome, don't get me wrong, but it's just good to know that work I do is being recognized.