
"Shut the f*** up!"...

Those are the exact words that I heard from my boss one day last week. I wasn't in any sort of trouble. I had done nothing wrong. In fact, it was she who had made the mistake. I merely pointed out the mistake to her, therefore avoiding any embarrassment that may have been bestowed about my boss or the university.

It all started one early morning in the University Center. There were early arrivals coming that weekend so we had to stuff envelopes with information that they would need for move in. The stacks of paper seemed endless and I couldn't help but feel bad for the 500 trees that were killed. We need to figure out a better system, but I am not sure how that is possible. Anyway, back to the story. As it was pretty early in the morning, I forget exactly why we were just sitting around. We may have just been waiting for people or for the rest of the things that needed to go in the envelopes, but I decided to pick up a conduct guide that we give all the students that live in the residence halls (yes, residence halls. Dorm is not considered a positive term). It's just a little booklet that has rules and policies for the residence hall. Most students probably don't read it and it's really fun to point out the rule in the book when they do break it. Sorry, I keep getting off on tangents. So, I was sitting there reading it and I closed the book and looked at the front cover. Something seemed off, but I wasn't sure what it was. Then I realized it. It had said, "Uinversity of Wisconsin". In case you didn't catch it, university was spelled. u-i-n-v-e-r-s-i-t-y. Read it again. UINVERSITY. 

I couldn't believe it. I was dumbfounded. How a university spelled university wrong baffled me. Of course, me being me, I cracked up. I showed my staff and then decided that I should probably tell my supervisor. When I went back to her office she was on the phone. The director of res life, the big wig, happened to be walking by and I showed her. "OH NO! Go tell Betty*!" Betty* is another one of my supervisors, presumedly in charge of the booklets. I showed it to her and she looked stunned. That's when she said it.  "Shut the f*** up!" I never thought I would hear those words come out of her mouth. Not that she is a goody too shoes or anything, but that's not something that you expect to hear from your boss. It was hilarious, needless to say and it pretty much made my day. 

I did feel bad though. All the books had to get reprinted and we probably killed another couple hundred trees doing so. I told her that if worse came to worse and we didn't get all the books on time, it wouldn't be a big deal. The early arrivals that were coming were football players and probably couldn't read anyway. She told me to shut the f*** up, I think I can say that to her. 

*Betty isn't her real name. If you know me though, you know exactly who I am talking about.


I can't think of a good title for this post as I am completely speechless about its topic

I wish that I could tell you that the following product is a joke. I came upon the article via a Facebook status of my friend and was left completely speechless (which you should know doesn't happen all that often). Here is the article

In case you thought you read it wrong, it's a doll that you breast feed. While I think that it's important to breast feed children, I don't think it's necessarily something that you want to teach young children. It seems a little premature to teach them about it and that conversation should be saved when kids can understand it a bit more. I don't necessarily agree with the arguments stating that it promotes early pregnancy, but I just think it's too mature for young kids to understand.

As you can tell, my arguments aren't well formed. Not yet anyway. I literally read this article 5 minutes ago and was thinking earlier in the day about a blog post to write and couldn't come up with anything. I guess I found it. There may be more to come about this. Who knows.