
Worst Music Videos of All Time

I wrote this same post a couple days ago, but I could not for the life of me get it to format the right way. Then, I ended up getting logged out of Blogger somehow and for whatever reason, my password wasn't working. I told myself maybe it was time to hang up the blogging shoes for good. I tried one last time to log in and it worked! So I am back to blogging. Not that I did it all that often to begin with, but whatever. I'm back is the point of this.

Since I could not get it to format correctly last time, I am not going to waste  my time; I am just going to post links. Deal with it. 

Now, without further ado, I present to you, in no particular order (even though they are numbered), my votes for the worst music videos/songs of all time. Enjoy.

1) Rebecca Black "Friday". Let's just get the obvious one out of the way. The poor girl. I really do feel bad for her. The entire world is making fun of her and her voice. It's not her fault that they autotuned the shit out of her voice. This is proof that music should not be tampered with. The video is horrible though. Just awful. 

2) Billy Squier "Rock Me Tonight". There is nothing sexy about Billy Squier rolling around the floor and randomly dancing around his room. People actually thought this was attractive. He looks like he is having muscle spasms. I would have called 911. 

3) "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. Forget the fact that I can't stand Miley. I actually can (barely) tolerate this song. The movie clips are fine. It's the horrible graphics that I can't stand. Also, the fact that when she is dancing in front of that worm hole (I don't think that's what it actually is, but oh well), it looks like she is trying to be sexy. Pretty sure she was like 15 when this came out. Also, this song isn't about love or boys or sex, so there's that.

4) David Hasselhoff "Hooked on a Feeling". Part of me thinks that this video was meant to be completely ridiculous. A bigger part of me thinks that someone actually thought this was a good idea. It is a smorgasbord of random shit that has nothing to do with the song or any of the other random shit in the video (was he telling child angels that they turn him on at one point? I think so). Add in horrible graphics and David Hasselhoff and it just makes it that much worse.

5) James Blunt "Beautiful". There is something creepy about watching James Blunt sing directly at the camera and take his clothes off and then proceed to jump off a cliff, presumedly killing himself, because of a girl that he saw on a subway and he can't have her. It's just such an odd concept to me. 

6) "I Love You" by Vanilla Ice. This one is so bad that it's hilarious. I can't decide which is funnier, the song or the video. I think my favorite part is the sign that says "ice" and it's obviously from one of those ice machines you see at gas stations. Random much? 

7) "Informer" Snow. If you thought that Vanilla Ice was the worst white rapper ever. You were sadly mistaken. This actually happened.

8) Men Without Hats "Safety Dance". If you ever needed to know what LCD does to the brain, just watch this video.

9) Right Said Fred "I'm Too Sexy". Hilarious song, bad video. Mesh shirts should never be worn. Ever.

10) Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce "Telephone". I just don't get it at all. Why is Lady Gaga half naked in her videos? Also, what's up with the long videos? Stop trying to be "Thriller"; it's just not going to happen


Baby smiles make even the worst day so much better

My step-dad's niece, Felicia, her husband, Rich, and their kids Ty, Fancy (Janessa), and Mika (Maleah) are in town visiting this week. I love it! The last time I saw them was when they were in town for Felicia's dad's funeral in August. I didn't get to see them very much, so I was sad. Also, Maleah wasn't born yet, so up until the other day, I haven't met her. They came over the other night, but Mika was asleep the whole time. Fancy was pretty tired, so she wasn't herself. Well, she was, just crabbier.

Today, I woke up in the worst mood. I have NO idea why. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I guess. Work was okay, aside from the fact that the person that is supposed to close tomorrow can't, so guess who switched shifts and is now closing. At 11:15 PM. Yep. Me. Ugh. And I am working 9 hours. Ish. I called home on my way home from work to see if I needed to pick up any Diet Coke. My step-dad said Felicia and the kids were over for tacos. My mood was instantly better. I could actually play with the baby and see her awake and happy. She was a little crabby when I got home, but I think that's because she was hungry. Once she got some food, she was fine. Fancy was a handful, but she is adorable and hilarious. She babbles a lot, but you can't understand a word she says, but that's okay. When she saw me, she got really excited and gave me a hug. I LOVED it.

At the end of the night, Felicia said they were thinking about moving back here if Rich can get a job. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if they moved back here. I said I would be their baby-sitter. I normally work mornings, so I would not mind at all if I had to go over to their house after work. They are so much fun!

 Maleah waiting for dinner

Fancy playing with magnets. She was very excited when they stuck to the fridge

Sorry that the quality of the pictures is so shitty