
Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it

Holy crap, it's November (almost). I can't believe how FAST time has gone by. It seems like only yesterday, we were moving into our apartment.

The apartment has been awesome. We've gotten along just swell for anyone that's wondering. For some reason when people find out that I've moved in with a friend, they get concerned and think that we won't be friends after awhile. Psh, we're fine. We balance each other very nicely and we both have separate lives. We do our own thing, but we get along just fine when we're with each other.

My new position at work started earlier than expected. Not that I am complaining. That raise is much needed. I still haven't had training for it, so I am not 100% sure what I am doing, but I have a great support staff, so if I have any questions, I just ask them. The one day I was supposed to do training, the computer wasn't working. Figures. It isn't much different than how the last few days have gone.

Let's start with Saturday.

Saturday none of the registers in my area were working. Seriously? Three registers down. On a weekend. Was that really necessary? Of course it was. They didn't work Sunday either. On Sunday people just seemed extra crabby for whatever reason. Customers and associates. I was certainly cranky, but I did my best to keep a smile on my face. I also found out that right after close, the lights AND emergency lights went out. I swear there were evil spirits in the store or something.

Today was better. I did a LOT of recovery. We have a visit tomorrow and Thursday, so we have to make the story look amazing. They moved a lot of stuff around in kids'. It looks weird. I don't work there anymore, so I guess I shouldn't really care, but that department will always hold a special place in my heart. Ha.


I am excited to see where this takes you!

I had a nice chat with  my manager today about my new position as holiday manager. She started as a specialist, was holiday manager, became a sales supervisor and eventually moved to where she is today.

While we were talking, she mentioned that she as very excited to see where these opportunities take me. I am too. Though, I am scared. Who isn't scared of the unknown. There is a possibility that I may move stores. That makes me really sad. I love my store. I love the people there and I feel like I have a GREAT support system. I know I will have a support system no matter which store I end up in, but still. My store has a special place in my heart.

I never imagined a year and a half ago that I would be where I am today. Hell, I never thought I would still be with the company. I love it though and I don't know that I would be as happy anywhere else.

I am excited to see where this adventure takes me. It's going to be a fun one, I am sure.


Updates Galore!

There has been a lot happening lately, which explains the severe lack of updates.

First up, I got an apartment. Yep. An apartment. My own place. Well, I have a roommate (who says, "hi"), but I am not living with my parents. I am paying bills. I am an adult. Holy shit, it's awesome. I love our place. I am assuming that if you are reading this, you know me and your are probably friends with me on Facebook, so you can check out the pictures under "Hanz and Franz move in together".

In other news, I got holiday manager! It starts on the 13th of November and I am SUPER pumped. I can't wait. It's going to be awesome and stressful and busy, but I know I will love it. It will bring new challenges and new experiences.

I wanted to write a lot more about what's been going on, but I am exhausted. Good night!


Isn't it strange, how we all feel a little bit weird sometimes

Holy long blog title, Batman! It has a purpose though, I promise.

Now, whoever reads this knows of my love for the band Hanson. I've been in love with them since 1997-14 years. I can't believe it's been that long and whenever I say it, I feel old.

Last night I saw them for the 4th time in 5 years. They are on their Musical Ride tour. Before the concert, fans can go online and vote for which album they want to hear at the concert. I was pleased to find out that last night it was going to be their first album, Middle of Nowhere. I love that album. Well, I love all their albums, but this is the one that made me fall in love with them. Last night, hearing all those old songs, I felt like I was 11 years old again. It was awesome. I also got to hear "Man From Milwaukee" live for the first time which is something that I've always wanted.

Now, when I was younger, I got a lot of flack for liking Hanson (even more than I get now). People couldn't understand why I liked 3 guys who looked like girls. I didn't care. I didn't think they looked or sounded like girls. I thought- and I still do think- that they are adorable. The three most adorable people that I've ever seen in my entire life.

As they were singing, I remembered why I fell in love with them in the first place. Sure, I loved MMMBop. The music was catchy and if you actually listen to the lyrics (instead of just moaning about how they suck), you would hear something that actually means something.

It was their song "Weird" that really got me to stick with them though. Right around the time that they came around was the beginning of a very rough patch in my life. My family started to break up and I was losing friends and I was different because I liked Hanson and every once else hated them. Listening to the song  "Weird" made me feel not so weird; not so alone. When other bands were singing about love and stuff like that, Hanson was singing about something every single teenager feels. That's why I've stuck with them. Every time I mad, sad, or whatever, I listened to Hanson.

14 years later, I still do the same thing. They make me happy. Everything about them makes me smile.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, I give you "Weird".