
I. Am. Hilarious.

Now, the following picture probably entertained me far more than it should. Since I am sleep deprived, however, and since I was the one that made the funny, I feel like that's okay. The picture depicts* my sister's Facebook status. My comment is the second one.

*Please forgive the horrible blurrification of the names and profiles pictures.


The Adventures of Archibald and Goatrude

Awhile back I wrote a note to my friend during class (I know, writing notes was so 6th grade, but I was bored and I had a ton of energy, I needed to channel it somewhere). Well, in this note I said that I had a mouse in my pocket. One of my teachers in middle school would always ask me if I had a mouse in my pocket if I ever said something like, "What are we doing after lunch?" I named this mouse Archibald and then thought it would be hilarious to make him bald. I joked about writing a kid's book about Archibald, but nothing really happened until this past summer. I was at the Minnesota State Fair with some friends and we were in the goat barn. My friend was really loving the goats and wanted to take one home. I told her to name it Goatrude. That's when it hit me. Goatrude could be Archibald's side kick, his best friend, his partner in crime. I was excited. 

A few nights later I was walking home from the bus stop and saw what I thought was a very large cat. It turned out to be a giant raccoon. Naturally I chased it and it ran up a tree. I was yelling, "don't give me rabies!" There is no point in telling that part of the story, I just thought it was funny. I decided that I was going to have a raccoon named Frankie in my Archibald stories. He's going to be the rebel. 

I soon began thinking of other characters to add. There HAS to be a squirrel. I think his name is going to be Al Mond. Get it? I am hilarious. I think I should have a fox, also. Right now, the tentative name is Slyvia (like Sylvia, but switched around, so it looks like Sly. See I am hilarious). 

I am trying to come up with some good story lines. It's going to be for little kids so they have to have some sort of lesson. Once I come up with something good, I will post it.