
The Dog Days are Over...

Wrong, Florence and the Machine. The Dog Days of Summer are just beginning. When I was a kid, I LOVED summer. No school, I got to sleep in and hang with friends all day. It was awesome. Now, I hate it. I hate hot weather. It probably has to do with the fact that my step-dad and mom don't have AC, which is a HUGE pisser. I wouldn't be so bitter toward it otherwise. It pisses me off, seriously. Like, that's the WORST part of living at home. I can handle my mom's mindless mumblings about some shit I don't care about. I can handle my sister being a self-centered brat. I canNOT handle living in a house that is hotter than it is outside. I've tried putting the AC in myself, but it was too heavy. Plus, I knew that my efforts would be a waste because as soon as he could, my step-dad would take it out. I can't even type about it anymore because it makes me so effing mad.

Let's talk about something happier. I talked to Elizabeth earlier in the week about what she wants me to do with the department and how she would like me to run it. I came up with a loyalty incentive (which I don't think is going as well as it could, sadly). Elizabeth agreed to give a $5 gift card to either Macy's, Caribou, or Target to anyone that met their loyalty goal for the week. As far as I know, I am the only one that did it. One other associate may have, I have to double check with her. I also get to "zone" in the department. Basically, assign tasks to associates during their shifts. It's really fun. Kind of a lot of work because I have to make sure there isn't double coverage in an area and I have to make sure that someone is near the wrap stand for customers. But, it's fun. I am really enjoying it. I like having more responsibility and I like feeling like a business partner with Elizabeth. I feel more like her equal than anything else. I feel like that assistant manager position is pretty much locked down this holiday season, barring any major setbacks. That will open the doors for so many other things that I am really excited about. :)


I'm just so giddy!

The work news just keeps getting better and better :)

The other day, Elizabeth approached me saying that she wanted me to have a little bit bigger role in the kid's department. 3 of the 4 areas that Elizabeth manages are high volume areas. Kids is the lower volume area so she doesn't get down there often to check in and see how things are going. She wants me to be a bigger voice in the area. I'm going to get to "zone" the area (basically assigning tasks and areas for each person during their shift), I get to help come up with incentives, and I get to help come up with ideas to drive sales. I'm so excited. This is a big part of what a manager does so I feel like Elizabeth is doing this not only to help her out, but to help me out. I get a little taste into what goes into her day. She said that being in the kid's department and getting to do all this stuff is the perfect way to learn the ropes. I could not be more pumped.

My first task was to come up with a way to increase loyalty. I came up with an idea and I am completely in charge of it. It's nothing huge. a $5 gift card to Caribou, Macy's or Target for hitting your loyalty goal for the week. Elizabeth is totally supportive of it and seems really excited that I am taking initiative in the area.

Seriously, I feel so good about things right now.


I love my job.

Never in a million and one years did I ever think I would love working in retail. When I started my job, I loathed it. It wasn't fun, I had NO idea what I was doing, and I just didn't feel like I was doing a good job. Now, over a year later, my attitude has changed completely.

I love going into work not knowing what's going to happen that day. I love how every situation, no matter how routine, is different. I love that I have my own area. An area that is mine and I have a say in how it looks and how things are done.

I don't think I've written about my work adventures as of late. About 2 months ago I was promoted from part-time to the full time specialist in the kid's department. That means that the kid's department is my department. I am the liaison between the customer and our district team. I have some managerial power (which is awesome and so helpful is a lot of cases). The only thing that makes me sad is that I don't get the red name badge. Sad day.

Like I said, never did I ever think I would like working retail so much. My manager and I were talking and she had asked me if I was interested in moving up in the company. I talked to my HR manager about it and she had nothing but good things to say. She said the managers all think very highly of me, which I was incredibly embarrassed about. I think it's because I know they are talking about me. Yikes! At least it's good stuff.

The other day, I got a recognition award, which was a surprise. I was bummed I wasn't actually there to receive it (mostly because I wanted to know what Elizabeth said, but also because that means I missed donuts. Ha!). When I saw Elizabeth a couple days later, she has asked me if was interested in being an SSA (basically an assistant manager during the holiday season). I had already talked to our HR manager about it and I have been thinking about it. Elizabeth just wanted to make sure that it was okay that she submitted my name. It's crazy to think that we are already thinking about the holiday season. I am pumped. I think I have a good shot at getting the job and that would open so many more doors for me. Elizabeth started as a specialist at another store, became an SSA, then a sales leader, and then a manager.

It made me so incredibly excited for what's to come. This all won't happen for awhile. Hopefully things will get rolling this holiday season and we will take it from there.


My family is nuts and I love it!

I started out my day today by going out to lunch with Granny and my great-aunt, Jo Ann. I haven't seen either of them for awhile, so it was nice to catch up with them and see what they've been up to. My main reason for going to lunch with them was because Granny needed me to teach her and Jo Ann how to use the internet.

They've had their laptop for awhile. It's been sitting their pretty much useless for about 2 months. My dad went over there last month to show them how to use it, but he pretty much did everything and there were other people over, so their minds were elsewhere. I was excited. I knew this was going to be a trip. Not because they don't know what the heck they're doing, but because I knew once they figured it out, they would be so excited, especially Granny.

We signed on to the computer. Task number 1 down. Granny opened the internet by herself. We can check number 2 of the list. No came the hard part. When she logged into her e-mail, she had one from my aunt waiting for her. She read it and it was fine. I showed her how to add addresses into her address book and how to reply and send an e-mail. She did a lot better than I thought she was going to. I also showed her how to use Google and how to go to different websites. It was really cute how excited they got. I also showed them how to play a CD in their computer.

They also got a free MP3 player. They have NO idea what it is supposed to do. They asked if I wanted it and I said I had one already, but thanks. I think next time I will show them how to put their CDs on their computer and then onto the MP3 player. Maybe I will ever get ambitious and tell them they can play it in the car.

I told them every week I can go over there and show them something different. One step at a time. I think next lesson may be Facebook. Granny wants to get onto Facebook, so I can help her with that. That's going to be interesting. I can't wait to see what she has to say about that. It will be good for her though. As long as her sister-in-law doesn't friend her. haha!!



So my grandpa informed my mom who later informed me of an apartment vacancy in the building behind his house. It's less than $600/month for a one bedroom with several utilities included. Which, with a little help to get started, I can totally do. I am almost peeing with excitement. I want to do this so bad. I haven't even seen the apartment, but I feel like, if for some reason it doesn't work out, it's still closer than I have been of moving out. Permanently. I will admit though, it will feel weird being located in one spot for more than a school year.

Words seriously cannot express how excited I am. I am already planning on what I want. How I want to decorate. An indoor herb garden is a must. I won't have cats so I won't have to worry about them getting eaten. My furniture is going to be crappy, but at least it will be something. I honestly will probably only worry about internet. I can survive without cable. I end up watching most shows online anyway. I don't need a landline because of a little thing called a cell phone. I will have AIR CONDITIONING!

I am looking forward to buying my own groceries, cooking for myself, eating the things I want to eat. My kitchen is the thing I am most excited about. Seriously excited. I can't wait to learn how to cook better. I can do laundry at my grandpa's since it's literally right across the alley.

I am going to feng shui the shit out of that place.

Details will follow as soon as I talk to the landlord, which hopefully will be tomorrow.


Drowning my sorrows

I just ate an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. What the hell? I blame it on the fact that I have no self control when it comes to sweets. I've tried. Really hard. But to no avail. I have the world's biggest sweet tooth and it's my biggest downfall. Okay, maybe not really, but it's pretty close to the top.

Why did I eat an entire pint of ice cream? Well, it's not because I am drowning my sorrows like the title of this post suggests (that's just what I was thinking when I started typing this). Actually, despite battling a horrible cold and sore throat, I am in a chipper mood. Well, add in the whole disgustingly hot weather with no AC and that brings down the mood quite a bit.

I seriously hate not having air conditioning. Especially on days like today. It's 10:15 PM and it's 85 degrees out. Eff you, mother nature. If I didn't have to work in the morning, I most likely would be at my grandparent's house. I am moving out sooner rather than later. Turns out that two years my mom was talking about turned into 6 months. Looks like I should be outta here in no time. I WILL have AC in my apartment. Make no mistake about that.

I know it's early, but I gotta get up in the morning. I was going to make my lunch for tomorrow tonight, but I am far too tired to do that. Instead, I am just going to take a Nyquil and head to bed. I think that's best.

Good night, world.