
Some Things are Never Happy

This post is about periods. Just a warning. 

There are 12 weeks a year when I wish I had a penis. They are the worst weeks and they always come at the worst time. Of course you know by now that I am talking about the week of my period.

It really does not help that the advertising world tries to make periods out to be this wonderful thing. "Have a happy period. Always". Um, no such thing. Ever. Sorry. There is nothing happy about bleeding from your lady parts once a month. I challenge you to find a woman who gets excited when they get their period. Okay, save for the people who could be pregnant and don't want to be. Periods to them are like Christmas morning. I would rather eat an entire raw onion than have a period ever again.

I just saw a commercial for Midol. It ended with saying something about Midolizing your period. What the eff does that even mean?? Midolize it? No. I just want to curl up in a ball and lay in bed for three days and eat chocolate and watch The Notebook. It's supposed to be this empowering statement about tackling the problems of your period. No. That's not the way I do things.

I am convinced that the marketing teams for these things are consisted entirely of men. If there was a single woman on those teams, she would stand up and say what I am saying. Instead of Pamperin, we would see commercials for chocolate cake and sweatpants.

Periods are Mother Nature's way of being a bitch. Seriously. What's the worst thing that happens to guys? They get a woody in the middle of Wal-Mart? Big whoop. I think it's hilarious. There's nothing hilarious about a giant blood stain on your ass. That's just nasty. 

My fashion sense also tends to take a huge hit during this week due to bloating. I hate bloating. Today, for example, I purchased a new shirt. It looks adorable with my leggings and I was planning on wearing that outfit to a Lia Sophia party tomorrow. Can I? No. Why? Because I look like Slimer from Ghost Busters. You know, a giant blob.

Ugh. I hate periods.


Playoff Hockey

I love it. It is probably my favorite thing in the entire world. Okay, that's a lie, but it's pretty damn close.

Even though the Wild were far from winning a playoff berth this year, I am still watching. The same thing happened last season.

The Blackhawks vs. the Canucks is on right now. Up until about 5 minutes ago, Vancouver was winning 1-0 with 3 minutes left in the game. They were on a power play and what do the Hawks do? They score a short handed goal. Awesome. The game is tied and once again, they are going to sudden death overtime.

I am not really a fan of either team. I think if I had to pick, based on the fact that I am a Wild fan, I have to say the Hawks. The Canucks are hated by all in Minnesota. Plus, they are the underdogs and I tend to root for them.

The Hawks goalie is totally keeping them in this game. He is a beast and is way better than Luongo.

I was planning on going to bed because I have to work in the morning. That will not happen until this game is over. Since it's going into overtime, it could be awhile. It's the same as a normal hockey period. 20 minutes until someone scores.

The Universal Language

I believe that music is the universal language. It can bring people together in ways other things can't. I love music and anyone that knows me knows that I am constantly listening to music whenever I can. On my way to and from work, my earbuds are in and I am in a world entirely my own. I generally don't like the music they play at work. Partly because I've heard every song about a zillion times and partly because it's just bad music. There are a few songs that I enjoy, however, and when those songs come on, I tend to tune out other things (customers included. Yipes!) Luckily those songs are few and far between so I can do a good job 99.8% of the time.

Over the last couple years, I have become pretty picky about my music. I used to be a HUGE country music fan, but I can't say it's my favorite genre out there. I do enjoy some songs, and let's be real, I will always be a Keith Urban fan, but it isn't my first choice. 

Here is what has been on my playlist the last few weeks

I've been listening to a lot of indie and alternative music. My current favorite is Minus the Bear. They've been on repeat for a few days. They are just an awesome band in general. Anyone that has songs called "Houston We Have an Uh-Oh" and ""I Lost All My Money at the Cock Fight" has to be kick ass. 

Another band that I LOVE is Arcade Fire. I am so glad they won the Grammy this year. It was so deserved. Their album, "The Suburbs", might be one of the best albums I have ever heard. Their video for the single is also kick ass. While you are checking out "The Suburbs", do yourself a favor and check out their "Neon Bible" album as well. 

I haven't forgotten the female singers. I, like the rest of the world, am in love with Adele. I prefer her "19" album to her "21" album. But I do love both. If you have been living under a rock and you haven't heard her yet, I'll save you the trouble.

I've also been listening to a lot of local music, which is fun. If you love the Beatles and Minnesota musicians, for the love of god, check out this.

Last, but not least, I've been channeling the Rat Pack. I can't help but love the complex arrangements of the songs and the fun these guys undoubtedly had. They were definitely toasted most of the time, but they still put on one helluva show. Some of the stuff they said would not fly at all today and the FCC would definitely get involved, but they were funny. The music is so simple and pure, you can't help but love it. 

Also, I love pretty much all of the covers on AV Undercover. I wish I had MP3s of them.


I have been given a gift

I am special. Not that kind of special. I am gifted. Everyone has those useless talents that get them nowhere in life, but make for a great conversation piece. After 24 years on this planet, I have finally found it.

I am amazing at looking at a picture of a person or animal and figuring out who or what they look like. Usually it's an obscure celebrity. Sometimes it is a cartoon character. But always it is dead on.

Kelly is the first person (and to my knowledge, the only person) to point out this talent. We were at her house doing some creeping on Facebook. We stumbled upon pictures of someone's baby and tried to figure out who it looked like. It was not a cute baby. 99.9% of the time, I find babies adorable. This baby was not cute in the slightest. Poor little guy. He looks like a cracked out version of Leslie Jordan. 

This talent probably started when I was in high school I remember Emily telling me that she associates people with animals whenever she meets them. I have no idea why, but I would catch myself doing the same thing, except I didn't just limit it to animals. I guess it could also stem from the human tendency to associate people with something with which we are familiar. I guess I am pretty caught up in pop culture, as much as I hate to admit it. 

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. There really was no point to this post other than I am bored. 


Patience is also a form of action. ~Auguste Rodin

Keeping my head up finally paid off :) I am more excited about what's happening in my life right now than I ever have been. I've always believed that good thing come to those who wait. I've waited long enough and good things are finally happening.

A couple weeks ago, our full time specialist quit. I immediately called my manager to ask to talk to her about the possibility of taking over the full time position. We set up a time to meet the next day. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. She seemed pretty pumped that I asked, so I didn't really think I had anything to worry about, but the last thing that I wanted was to get my hopes up and then have her say no. We talked and she offered me the job. She said she pretty much wanted to offer it to me over the phone, but it was more professional in person.

This honestly could not have come at a better time. Money has been short lately. I hadn't been getting a lot of hours at work, so I was looking for other jobs. I had applied to a couple other positions within our store, but I didn't hear anything. I was getting very frustrated. On top of that, I really want to move out, but I was not making the money to do so. Granted my raise wasn't a whole lot, but I am getting more hours. Plus, I had my one year review and I got a 30 cent raise from that. That's a total of an 80 cent raise within the last month or so. I won't complain.

Another great thing that happened is that a friend from Milwaukee might move back to the Twin Cities after this summer. Um, excited? Yes. I was talking to her on Tuesday and she had said that her mom had mentioned moving in with her sister. Her sister who lives in an efficiency apartment. They would have a trundle bed. There is no way, according to her, that that would happen. She asked if I would want to live with her. YES! Is that even a question? We would have a TON of fun! Plus, we are pretty much the same person, so we would make great roommates. AND, financially it would make more sense to live with a roommate than to even get a studio apartment by myself.

Nothing is for sure decided on the apartment thing, but I am really, really hoping that it happens.


Embarrassed to be American

I came across this today on a friend's Facebook page. I was completely disgusted and some of the comments made me want to cry.

My mind is not forming coherent thoughts right now, so this won't be a lengthy blog post. Maybe I will come back and edit it, but probably not. A lot of the comments are about god punishing Japan for Pearl Harbor. Pretty sure we did a good job of that when we fought back. The disaster in Japan had nothing to do with god being pissed off at Japan; it was a naturally occurring event.

The bottom line: America, we need to get over ourselves. We are like the annoying popular girls in high school and I am sick of it.