
Proper Stadium/Area Etiquette

On Sunday, a friend and I enjoyed a wonderful game of baseball. It wasn't different from most games that I go to, except that I realized just how rude and inconsiderate people can be at sports games, concerts, or any other event where there are a lot of people. Realizing this, I decided to compile a list of proper stadium or arena etiquette. Pass the word along (not like a lot of people read this, but if I can reach just one person, I will feel as though I have accomplished something in my otherwise unproductive life)

1) Your feet should only be on the seat in front of you if no one is sitting there. There is no smell worse to me than smelly feet. It usually makes me gag. The last thing I want is to have to smell a stranger's feet. Especially if said stranger doesn't seem to have proper hygiene to begin with. At no time should this rule be broken, even with close toed shoes. It invades my space and it's awkward when someone's feet are next to you. This rule should especially hold for people who are wearing sandals (more specifically flip flops) and they have toe nails the size of a yard stick and the color of rotting teeth. 

2) Don't bring your kid if he/she is going to spend the whole time complaining. I love kids, I think they are cute and funny. However, there are times that I don't want to be around them. When they are complaining and whining for a solid 3 hours, for example. Please, parents, we know you love your kids and want to spend time with them, but don't bring your kid if you know they are going to complain the whole time. 

3) If you catch a ball or puck, give it to a kid. Some kids do go to games and enjoy them. What better way to help them enjoy it more than to give them a foul ball or a puck? I can almost assure you that the ball that you catch is either going to a) end up in the closest collecting dust or b) end up on eBay once you get it signed. Make a kid's day, give it to a kid. They will appreciate it a lot more than you will.

4) Watch the game! That's what you are there for, aren't you? There is plenty of time to socialize in between innings, periods, half time, whatever. Save the conversation for then. I don't think there is anything more irritating than sitting next to someone who talks about their dog, boyfriend, or plant during an entire game. Even worse, talking on your cell phone. Still worse, explaining to the person that it's too loud at the game, so you can't hear them very well, which makes you talk louder. Duh, it's loud. If your phone rings, ignore it or go outside and answer it. Don't subject me to your stupid, loud conversation

5) When leaving the game, leave row by row, don't try to rush out. It's just common courtesy to do this. The rows closest to the stairs leave first and you work your way down. If you had seats in the first row, just wait. You are going to seem like a jackass if you cut in front of a lot of people. The only time this is void is if you are in labor, in which case you should have left right away. 

That's all I have for now. I didn't have time to write this at the beginning of the week (yay for the end of the semester), but I am sure I will be able to add to it the next time I go to a game. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later :)


It has arrived...

No, not the Apocalypse , my new computer. Thursday while I was sitting the desk, I loaded all of my files onto an external hard drive and waited (pretty patiently I might add considering how excited I was) for Kell and Billy to come to my hall. Around 9:30 PM, I said goodbye to Ralph...

*R.I.P Ralph December 2004-April 2009

...and I said "hello" to my new computer. It has yet to be named.
*Suggestions for names would be GREATLY appreciated!


The Heat War is Over...for Now

Yesterday after a very relaxing Easter lunch and "beergarita", I headed back to school. It's safe to say that I won the Heat War that emerged between my family and I while I enjoyed some time away from campus. The heat was never turned up too high for longer than 5 minutes while I was at home (save for when I was asleep, possibly). There is no doubt in my mind that this war will continue when I make an appearance for Christmas this year, but for now, I have won my friends. You can all sleep well tonight.

On another note, my laptop is officially on a downward spiral...actually, it has been like that for the last couple weeks. I have had my trusty PC for almost 5 years and it's finally on it's way to the big desk in the sky. Firefox erased ALL of my bookmarks, including ones that I had for grad school. I was very pleased with myself too...I had all my grad school stuff organized and it was working out great for me. Firefox also never remembers websites that I have been to; not that it's difficult to type in the entire web address, it's just easier when the website conviently shows up on the drop down menu. I am not sure if my computer has some sort of virus or if there is something wrong with Firefox itself. Either way, it's time for a change. I have decided that I am going to buy a Mac. To be more specific, a Macbook. My friend's boyfriend is selling his slightly used one. When I say slightly used, I mean that he bought it in Feb. 2009, and is already selling it. I trust him, so I know that there is nothing wrong with it. It also comes with a bunch of different programs which I am really excited about. I haven't used a Mac regularly since middle school, so I am trying to use the ones that are available to students on campus so I can get used to it. It's not like they are it that different and I consider myself semi computer savii, so I think I can figure it out. In any case, I am excited. My computer should be here Friday of this week :)


It should be illegal to be this easily amused

It doesn't matter what I am doing, I can always find a way to amuse myself. You can put me in a room with nothing but a hair binder and I will be content. Not only am I easily amused, but sometimes I think I have ADD since I can't still still or do the same activity for very long. For example, today I couldn't decide what to watch on TV and homework didn't seem like it was that fun, so I was flipping through the channels. Comcast digital cable comes equipped with Music Choice which is a ridiculous amount of music channels; they have everything from classical to show tunes to old school rap. For those of us with music ADD, it's the best medicine there is. It seems that Music Choice has added a new feature called Showoff. Showoff allows people to send text messages and pictures to the channel they are watching and it will be displayed. It was mostly people saying how much they loved someone or wishing people a Happy Easter.

I decided to test this Showoff deal and see if they moniter it. I sent a text message that said, "Jon, I am pregnant. It's not yours. SORRY!"* I got a text message back saying that my message didn't meet their criteria. I wasn't happy, but I was determined to get a message on TV. It wasn't because I wanted my "15 minutes of Fame" that Music Choice was advertising; I just was really bored. My next message I sent said, "My dog is better than your dog."** I got another text message that said that there was a high number of messages sent and mine might not get on there. Turns out, it didn't. I spent 2 hours watching the station and waiting for my message to appear. Needless to say, there were some interesting messages posted. I took pictures of my favorite messages from the night. Enjoy.

I am not even sure what this says. I imagine it was written by a 13-year-old girl. Possibly named Shay.

It makes me happy that love can endure everything. Even insanity.

There were quite a few of these. I chose this one because of the substition of zero for the letter "O"


By far my favorite comment that I saw today

* I am not pregnant nor am I dating a guy named Jon.
**I don't own a dog nor have I ever owned one.

The Heat War Begins

It never fails. Every time I come home for a visit, my family and I engage in a war of the thermostat. It doesn't matter the season, we can never agree on a temperature. The rest of the family seems to possess some gene that always makes them cold, even in 70 degree weather. I do not have this gene, so naturally we disagree on a comfortable temperature. What bothers me most about the whole thing though is that my sister will complain about being cold, but she will be wearing hoochie shorts and a tank top...umm...maybe if you put some clothes on you would be a little warmer, especially in the winter.

This past winter break, I woke up every morning to a house that was at least 75 degrees. When I went to bed at night, it was a comfortable 62 degrees. Every one in my house claims that it was too cold and that's why they turned it up. I know it's Minnesota and the winters can be harsh, but seriously, it doesn't need to be up that high. They are also forgetting the fact that I was the only one home during the day; 2 of them went to work while the other trudged her bratty butt off to school, so it shouldn't have mattered what the temperature was. It's a waste of money, plain and simple. I have mentioned this several times, but it doesn't seem to get through to them.

The war is typically between my sister and me (though sometimes my mom likes to side with my sister). I am home for Easter and the war has begun. My sister just came out of her room and turned up the heat...to 70 degrees...unacceptable. Of course, as soon as she shut the door to her room, I turned it off. I have a feeling the battle is going to continue over the next 3 days and it's a battle that I am prepared to fight until the death. I have never lost a war of the thermostat yet and it's not about to happen now.

Stay tuned for more updates...