
Work, Work, Work All Day Long!

When I started my current job, I was excited, mostly because I got a job and it didn't take nearly as long as I anticipated (thank God!). When I actually started working, I started to not like it. I think part of it was because I wasn't sure of what I was doing. When I was an RA, I was confident. I knew how to go about things and even though there were some strange cases (a kitten in a room, a kid thinking a fog machine was okay to have, and loud fornicating among those) and I wasn't sure exactly how to go about it, I had a pretty good idea of what to do. With my new job, I quickly became tired of complaining and ungrateful customers, messy floors and fitting rooms, and co-workers who did jack squat. I wasn't happy; I didn't think I was doing a good job and I kept my eyes peeled for anything new. I felt like I was doing a lot and people just weren't noticing. That's my biggest thing, I just want my manager to tell me I am doing a good job and that I am doing things right.

Now that I have been here for awhile, it's still a far from ideal job. I don't plan on having it long term and there are still days where I want to cry (like that day I got called racist), but I am way more confident. I have learned to appreciate the good customers and not dwell so much on the bad ones. Everyone deals with people they don't get along with. I have learned that I can let off some steam with my co-workers if needed.

This last week I got four huge confident boosters. 2 from my own manager and 2 from managers of other departments. The first came one night when I was closing. At the end of the night we have to bring envelopes with retained coupons, gift cards, etc to a little cart and check off our registers once we close them. Someone is usually there to ask us which register and checks it off. Well, this night that I was closing it was one of the managers. She always asks us for a story about how we provided excellent customer service. I told her about this little girl who was looking for a birthday outfit for her party the following week. She told me that that was awesome and that I was really good in the kid's department. I left with a good feeling that night.

The second and third came from my own manager. While I was working one day he came to basically give me a quick evaluation of how I was doing. He told me I was one of his top 2 associates and that I was really good with the customer and attentive to them as well. The only thing I need to work on for the most part is opening accounts (which is way easier said than done). The next day he came down again to just check on how things were going. I didn't even notice him and was putting clothes away. There were about 4 customers shopping and I just did what I normally do, ask them if they are finding everything okay or need help with anything. My manager saw and told me that that was excellent and he challenged me to ask more open ended questions (again easier said than done in some cases). That was what I needed to hear; I needed him to tell me that I was doing a good job, even though I still have doubts, I feel a lot more comfortable.

The last one came today. I was working in the shoe department, something I am definitely not familiar with. The associates there also work on commission so my main job was ringing up customers and making sure I knew who helped them with their shoes so they can get paid for it. It was hectic to say the least. Saturday was definitely the worst day to work. The manager of the shoe department came by and told me he appreciated my help and that I was doing a good job with being honest with the customers about not knowing the department very well and getting them the proper help. We did have one incident of a lady who wanted to return shoes that broke (she claimed her second of the same pair that broke), but she didn't have a receipt or a UPC. Now, normally I can look up the item with the UPC and the credit card or something like that, but without a UPC, it's pretty much useless. She didn't understand what the problem was and didn't understand the concept of a UPC  I explained to her what it was and that I can't possibly look it up without it. I ended up calling the manager and it was reveled that she bought it at the same store and a different location. We didn't have this style of shoe. The manager told her she could go back to the original store or he could mess around with it and go to the manufacturer, but that would take a couple weeks. She got angry and blah, blah, blah and he ended up fixing it and bypassing it. He might get in some trouble, but it might be less than the other options. She was a crabby customer. BUT, I digress.

My main point is that I am finally glad that I am getting noticed. I don't want to make it seem like I am the hardest worker in the store or anything like that, but I just want someone (my manager to be specific) to notice that I am doing something and that's finally happening and I am a lot happier at work than I was before. It's finally making some stuff seem worth it (ie my feet constantly hurting)


Oh. My. God.

I was on my way home from work today and I decided to give my friend Krissi a call. Not only was I in desperate need of hearing a familiar voice, but she texted me while I was at work and said that she had a story for me. I love her stories so I called her while on my way home. She told me her story and we somehow ended up on the conversation of our other friend Kelly. It was her birthday and she was spending the day with her boyfriend at the fair. We started talking about how cute it would be if he proposed at the fair since it's one of their things and one of her favorite places. We didn't really think much of it and just kept on talking about other things.

Fast forward an hour later. I was on my couch watching T.V. and Kelly called me. My gut feeling told me exactly what she was about it tell me. I could hear it in her voice and I couldn't really think of any other reason she would call me (we usually text). She told me that she's engaged! I jumped off the couch. Partially out of excitement and partially because my phone was about to die and I did NOT want it to die mid story about how he proposed and whatnot. I was speechless. I had to keep myself from crying. It was awesome. I couldn't stop smiling. I wasn't even the one that got engaged! I can't imagine how THEY feel. It was a cute story, but I don't think I will share it on here.

I am SO SO SO happy for them. I can't think of 2 people who are better suited for each other. They are so adorable together and I know they are going to have such a happy life. Kelly is one of my best friends and I couldn't be happier for her.

Everyone, except for them, were on Facebook talking about it (secretly at first. We weren't sure what we could say and who knew, etc). Poor Kelly and Billy, they had notification overload. Worth it though! We were all pretty much waiting for them to get online. haha! We passed the time quite well I might add.

Seriously awesome.


Yes, another one.

So I was planning on going to bed, but I don't know if I can sleep. The last couple days I have talked to a couple old residents. One was having roommate problems and wanted advice and needed to vent, one just wanted to say she missed me and wants me to be her personal RA, and the other one just wrote on my Facebook wall about how we met a year ago today and she misses me.

I don't think I realized it until just recently the impact I've had on people. I don't want to sound boastful, in fact, I feel quite the opposite. I feel humbled by the fact that these girls trusted me so much that they still feel like they can come to me when they are having issues. I feel humbled that they are comparing me to their new RAs and wanting me back. I never realized that I could influence someone so much. It doesn't help the homesickness so much.

Looking back, last year was my favorite year as an RA. I had the best wing I could ask for. Sure it had it's issues and not everyone became best friends like I had envisioned, but it was what it was. For the most part they all got along and really until the last couple months of school, there weren't any huge issues.  I loved visiting my girls and just hanging out with them. One thing I love about residence hall life is that if I am bored, all I have to do is go down the hall and find someone to talk to.

I miss being a part of 4E. It's sad that it had to end, but I am SO grateful that it happened. I feel that those girls influenced my life as well. I got to relive so many experiences with them. I know that all of them will do great things with life. They are all too wonderful not to :)


I can't believe...

I haven't written about the BEST day of my life. Seriously, it was amazing. If I get married, I don't even know if my wedding day will top it. MAYBE the birth of my kids (again, if I have them), but it'll be difficult.

On the 10th of August, Kelly and I went to the MN zoo. This wasn't just any zoo visit, oh no. It was Hanson at the zoo.

That's right, the MMMBopping brothers we all fell in love with 13 years ago. Unlike some, I never fell out of love with them. I've been a loyal fan ever since I first heard them. They are the 3 most adorable people on the face of the planet and if you try to argue with me, well, it's in your best interest not to. Also, never tell me they are one hit wonders. One hit wonders don't sell out shows on a regular basis, nor do they have 5 records to their name.

But, I digress. The beginning of the best day ever actually started about a week earlier. I had entered a contest to win a meet and greet with the band. Kelly unfortunately wasn't able to, but I just assumed that I could bring along a guest. Never assume. When I got the confirmation e-mail saying that I had won a meet and greet, it said that I couldn't bring a guest. I was torn...up until I asked Kelly if she would take it if the roles were reversed. When she said she would, I had no problem accepting it. Haha!

The night before it still hadn't sunk in that the day I had been waiting for since I was 13 was approaching. I knew what I was going to wear thanks to a fun filled day of shopping about a week earlier, but I had NO idea what I was going to say? "Hi, you're cute, why are you married?" I was able to focus all of my attention on the premiere of ABC's, The Bachelor Pad, so it wasn't too bad. That's another blog for another day.

Ever since we found out that Hanson was going to be playing at the zoo, we had planned to literally spend all day there. We have been friends for a few years and we've always wanted to go to the zoo together, but until the 10th, we had never been together.

The forecast that day called for rain, thunderstorms, and just icky weather in general. Well, mother nature unleashed her wrath on us (though, she could have been a lot angrier). While driving there we were being pounded with heavy rain. It was not fun. Kelly and I are both the type of people to make the best of situations though. Luckily the zoo has exhibits inside so we were able to walk around and see those while it was raining.

When it wasn't raining, mother nature was busy having hot flashes. It was SO humid. My hair looked disgusting, I didn't even bother with make-up, but I actually didn't care most of the day. I made sure to bring deodorant in case I started to smell, so I felt okay about that.

The zoo was awesome! I haven't been there since junior year of high school. It hadn't changed much. One or two exhibits (the "mounting monkeys" sign was down, which made me sad) had been added. I was just happy to be there.

As our day was winding down, around 1 or 2 PM, we decided to check out the venue of the concert (the zoo's amphitheater). We walked down there and decided that our seats were pretty decent (there is no such thing as a bad seat in that place, I think). We came across something interesting, which I refuse to say on here at the risk of sounding like a MASSIVE creeper. If you really care that much, ask me about it personally. But let's just say, it pretty much made us even more excited for the concert and we almost peed our pants.

5 PM rolled around and that's when the other meet and greeters and I decided to meet. We waited for a good half hour (some of it in the rain) for someone to come out and get us. The guy came and took us to the meeting spot. I was freaking out. I thought I was going to throw up. I had forgotten to grab Kelly's fan (the street team made fans for us to keep cool) so I decided to just use mine. I was getting a picture after all, she can have the autographs. It was the least I could do. The arrived about 5 minutes later and I was speechless. If you know me, that's unusual. I was so nervous. The first one I met was Zac. It took every ounce of my being NOT to cry (how pathetic). I couldn't believe it. I still don't believe it. They were all SO cute and SO nice. I'm still in shock.

We got to go in to the show early so I went and grabbed Kelly so she could sit with me. We watched them set up and also watched the clouds roll in. We were being optimistic though and thinking just a little bit of rain. It was announced just before the concert started that the opening act was cancelled in order to have Hanson play as long as possible. They were the headliners after all. It was raining on and off during the concert and they actually played for about an hour and a half before they were told they had to stop because of lightening.

It was by far the most energetic I've seen them and my favorite concert I've been to of theirs so far. I can't wait to see them again in concert. They are my favorite people and they are just amazing in general. I still can't believe I met them. I do have proof though: