
Proust Questionnaire

A post two days in a row?! I must me on fire! That could be dangerous. I'll be right back, I need to go check...Okay, I'm good.

For some odd reason, I have been searching for videos of Inside the Actor's Studio on Youtube the last couple days. It seems like a good way to spend my time. Papers, reading, and studying are overrated anyway. For those of you that don't know, the show is hosted by James Lipton. Actors are interviewed about their life and career. Lipton then asks them 5 questions. These questions were inspired by the Proust Questionnaire. I was curious as to what it was, so naturally I ended up on Wikipedia. Basically, it is a questionnaire developed by a Frenchman named Marcel Proust about one's personality. Because I 1) don't want to do anything productive (it IS Friday) and 2) like talking about myself, I am going to answer Lipton's version of the questions.

1) What is you favorite word? Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (fear of long words...)

2) What is your least favorite word? Moist

3) What turns you on? A sense of humor

4) What turns you off? douchebaggery

5) What sound or noise do you love? Slot machines*

6) What sound or noise do you hate? Anything in a hospital

7) What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Marine Biologist or Neurologist or professional gambler*

8) What profession would you not like to do? The person that cleans out port-o-potties

9) What is your favorite curse word? It's a tie between "shit" and "fuck"

10) If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Slot machines are down the hall, second door on the right.*

*I might have a slight gambling problem...


Parents and T.V.

I haven't written in awhile and had the intention of writing a fun blog post about the 90s since I have been reminiscing about them lately and how much I miss the fun toys, music, and movies. However, thanks to some jackass in one of my classes, I am going on a massive rant that's probably going to be filled with incomplete thoughts and mindless ramblings, as the thoughts in my head are still swimming and haven't really come together. Maybe with the creation of this post, it will change. 

It started off in class today. We somehow got off topic and started talking about parenting, something I know little about as I am not a parent. There is one mom in our class and our professor is a mother as well. She's probably my favorite professor mainly because she isn't afraid to speak her mind, but she let us talk it out today and got involved only a few times. 

Someone made a reference to Family Guy, which happens to be one of my favorite shows. I think the satire is funny and, let's be honest, I find the potty humor hilarious. The lady in my class who is a mom (I am just going to call her Alice, I don't know her real name and she looks like Alice from Alice in Wonderland to me, so that's why) made a side comment about how much she hates Family Guy, which I am okay with because a lot of people can't stand it and don't think it's funny. Another classmate asked her why she hated and she said that it's not wholesome T.V. and not something she wants her kids around. Again, understandable. She went on a rant about how it shouldn't be on the air and how repulsive it is and she can't believe that Fox would let such a bad show on T.V. Seriously? I had to chime in because I hate when people say that a show shouldn't be on because it isn't kid friendly. If you don't want your kids to watch it, don't let them. It's that simple. If you don't like it, don't watch it. What's so difficult about that? Alice and a couple other classmates had the defense that it was offensive. I said Fox News offends me, but I don't go around saying that it should be off the air. I just don't watch it (well, except for lately because I am staying with my grandma and that's the only news she'll watch. Thank you, ear buds). 

Alice then went on to talk about how she misses shows like All the the Family. Umm...has she SEEN that show?? It's anything but wholesome and I can find more similarities between that and Family Guy than I can differences. Archie is a bigot, Peter may not be a bigot, but he is certainly naive and says things that are less than politically correct (a term I HATE by the way).

My main point is that I am sick of parents not taking responsibility for their kids. They are blaming their kids' problems on society and blah, blah, blah. I am sure that has something to do with it, but how about  you try this new thing called parenting? Stop babying your kids. Let them experience life, get scraped up, lose a game, maybe watch something like Family Guy (chances are they wouldn't get the jokes anyway). My dad let my sister and I watch Beavis and Butthead and we are just fine.