
Busy bee!

I have been so incredibly busy the last week or so, which explains the lack of updates. Tuesday I worked until 6:15 and then went to a friends' house for a jewelry party and a sleepover. I haven't seen them in a really long time, well since May, which is a really long time for us, so it was nice to just go there and see them and catch up. I of course bought jewelry. It's Lia Sophia, how could I not? My friend Kelly and I are also thinking of selling it together. I'm good at the talking and she's good with the money so it seems like it would be a perfect pairing. Plus we would both be making more than we are now which would be nice.

Wednesday, I kept Kelly company at work from 1-6. We watched a Hanson concert DVD, which got us REALLY excited for the concert next month. I also found out that they are in fact doing a walk, which is crazy awesome. It'll be at the MN Zoo...the zoo and Hanson, 2 of my favorite things. I am pumped. While I was there, I got a call from my manager asking me to come in that night. I wasn't going to get back to St. Paul for awhile, so I had to tell him no. We were having a visit from our visual department on Thursday so he asked me if I could come in at 8 AM on Thursday to help get our area cleaned up and looking good. I couldn't say no to that. I had no reason to not go in at 8 other than sleep. I needed the hours and it really wasn't a big deal. Turns out, I was the only one who showed up early who told him they would. It kind of irked me because I hate when people don't take responsibility for things like that. After work, Granny asked me to go to Sam's Club to help her apply. She tried applying on the computer there the other day and couldn't figure it out. We were in and out of there in 45 minutes at most. I thought that was funny. She would have sat there forever if she tried by herself again. I enjoyed spending time with her though. She's pretty much the only family member who is supportive of me going back to school. It's nice to have her encouragement.

Friday I ended up working until close even though I wasn't supposed to. Someone called off so no one was going to be there to work. It was just an insane day with SO many annoying kids. One group came in with NINE kids and they took FOREVER. I wanted to cry. While I was closing the register, Dustin told me how much he appreciated  me being there a lot more than I needed to be. It was good to hear that I am doing a good job and that he noticed it. That's really the only thing that I ask of him, so to see him deliver is nice. I got off work and my sister texted me saying that she was having friends stay the night which was the lat thing I wanted. I only got woken up once though so it wasn't too bad.

Saturday I ended up working even though I wasn't supposed to. I told someone that I would work for them. I wasn't upset about it until I saw who I was working with. There are a few people that I just do not enjoy working with and she is one of them. She didn't put a lot of the clothes away, which is my biggest thing, and she would disappear. I went on my 15 minute break and just as I was getting back someone from housewares came to tell me that a lot of our customers were going to their wrap stand because no one was in the kid's department. I told her I just got back from my break and I didn't know where the other person was. She was cleaning up the floor and sizing, which is important, but if I know that there are customers, I am not going to work in an area where I can't see anything. It was just irritating and I was so frustrated the whole day. Turns out she was supposed to go to a different area at 5. She was blaming the managers, which they should have reminded her, but her schedule said that she was going to a different area at 5 so she should have called a manager and asked. Again, take some responsibility.

Anyway, that pretty much sums up why I haven't updated. haha!


Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised...

I was in a horrible mood for the better part of the day. I was getting fed up with my family being unsupportive of me going back to school and, I don't know, I was just in a foul mood.

I worked 4 hours today and I thought that was going to make it worse. While work was unbearably slow for most of the day and I ended up yelling at some girls (they kept running around the store, I had to tell them that this was a place of business, not their personal playground and that they could get really hurt on the escalators),  I did manage to keep myself entertained by making faces into the cameras so the people at loss prevention could see. I know they enjoyed it :)

The part of the day that was most enjoyable for me, however, was when work was over. I was at the bus stop at Rosedale texting a couple people and this girl who was probably no older than 17 came over and asked if I had an extra quarter. Thinking I did, I began searching. I was suddenly reminded of two things. The first was the time some friends and I were robbed. It started out as a simple request and ended horribly. I certainly didn't think this girl and her friend were capable of that, but still, it was in the back of my mind. The only change I could find was a dime and a few pennies, the lady asking me for money for food was the second thing I thought about. I pulled out a dollar bill and just told the girls to take the whole thing. I had enough money for the bus, so it wasn't a big deal. The look on the their faces was awesome and I knew that they really appreciated it. They had bought some pretzels at the pretzel store at the mall and one of the girls walked over and offered me a pretzel. Definitely not a fair trade, but I think I appreciated it more than they know. I had had such a crappy day and that completely made it. It was something so simple, so little, but it helped so much. Even though I was getting it in exchange for something and it was so miniscule, it was one of the nicest things a complete stranger has ever done for me.

Another surprise happened on the bus. An older lady got on at a different stop and had bags and bags of stuff. I felt horrible for her; she couldn't even carry it all herself. Someone helped her carry it on and a guy in front let her sit down, which was so nice. At her stop 3 other people got off. Only one offered to help her. It upset me. What makes them think they are so much better than other people? They walked right past her without even acknowledging her. Think about how much better the world would be if they thought of someone other than themselves for a change.


Humbling moments

I was on the bus today on the way to work. I was listening to music and reading my book, minding my own business and the lady 2 seats in front of me turned around and motioned for me to take out my ear phones. I did and she said this to me, "could you bless me with some food?" I felt a sudden rush of guilt. She reminded me of a sweet grandma and I wanted to help her out so badly. I had no cash on me. If I did, I would have happily given her some money for food. I was hoping she was getting off at Rosedale so I could at least buy her something. Looking back on it, I should have asked her to stop at Rosedale with me so I could buy her something before going to work. I only hope our paths can cross again so I can help her out next time. I am not sure why. Homeless people have asked for money before. If I have a couple bucks to spare, I usually do; when I don't have cash, I feel bad, but it never makes me feel as guilty as I did today.  All she wanted was something to eat. She wasn't asking for a steak dinner, just something simple and I couldn't give her that. I almost cried and I am almost crying again just thinking about it.

When I was on my dinner break at work, I again felt a rush of guilt. Here I was paying for a meal with no trouble and that poor woman has to beg for money for something small to eat. It can't make her feel proud to do that. I am sure that that's not how she imagined her life to be like; no one does.

It's because of her that I decided I am alway going to carry a few extra bucks just in case something like this happens again. I am not the most religious person, but I couldn't help saying a prayer for her. It's not much, but it's something. I hope that I see her again and next time I can give her some money for food.

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Events happen because they are meant to teach you something. The smallest things can have the biggest impact on your life.


Jake and Vienna part 2

I don't know what it is about them. I am not particularly fond of either of them (I used to really like Jake, but over the last year or so, that fondness has diminished. He started to come off as fake and as an attention whore). Their relationship is like a train wreck. I can't stop reading about them or watching awkward interviews with them. It's funny.

Tonight was the big showdown between the former Bachelor star and Vienna. I was looking forward to it. As I stated in my previous post about them, I care way too much about this show. More than is healthy. I also said that I didn't know who to believe and I knew that this interview would help me decide. It's one thing to read what they have to say, it's another thing to see their body language and how they say stuff.

Jake didn't seem to have much to say, when he did, Vienna interrupted. He tried to defend himself, but to no avail. It drove me nuts how much she interrupted, but I do believe her way more than I believe him. I feel like if he wanted to defend himself, he would have tried harder; he would have had more to say. When she accused him of saying something, all he said to defend himself was, "I never said that". I think you would have more to say if you wanted to defend yourself. Reading their body language was huge for me. Jake was sitting back acting like he was hot shit. I think he thought people were already more on his side, which I am sure they are. He is cute, but you have to look beyond that. 

Vienna was in tears for much of the latter part of the show. I think is she was lying or faking tears, they would have been a lot more forced. It seemed that she was generally hurt by what Jake had done to her and that she really wanted nothing more to do with him. Jake on the other hand, was smug and arrogant the whole time. He acted like he did nothing wrong in the relationship. Granted, Vienna did the same thing. When confronted about going to the tabloids, Vienna said that she knew Jake would have gone to the media as soon as they broke up. She apologized for how she went about the whole thing, which in my mind gave her some points. I think Vienna felt like she didn't have a voice the entire relationship and this was a way for her to have one. I am not saying it's right, but she did what she felt she had to do.

I think, at first, they were both doing this for fame. Vienna said she doesn't want fame anymore. She doesn't like it and it's not how she wants to live her life. The whole relationship, Jake had been on her to get a job. She now has one in working in marketing in LA. When she said that, Jake wasn't surprised and said that if she didn't want fame, why didn't she go back to Florida? Good point, but the way he said it upset me. She said that people in Florida turned their backs on her. I understand, but she could go back to try and mend them. But at least she has a job. I think when she saw what fame was like and what it did to people, she decided it wasn't for her.

The thing that really made me side with Vienna was that her stories are consistent. Jake seems to jump around and I have heard conflicting stories from him. I think initially Jake went into this whole thing wanting to find love, but got caught up in the whole thing. I feel bad for her because I do think that he led her on for quite awhile. It sounds like they have had problems for a long time. They broke up twice before the official one; that's not a healthy relationship. He seems controlling and that if he's not happy, no one should be.

All in all, I still don't like them, but now I at least know who to believe.


Middle-aged Twi-hards and how to piss them off

I went over to my step-dad's nephew's house for a BBQ to celebrate the 4th of July. His nephew's wife, Susan, was talking to my step-dad's sister, Jennie about Eclipse. I was at the table with them and tried my hardest to just focus on the baseball game on T.V. I didn't want to get into this conversation because I knew I wouldn't have good things to say. They began to talk about the movies and how they really liked them. At this point I was squirming in my chair thinking, "it's better if you don't say anything; just once, keep your mouth shut. Focus on the game". I was doing a good job of keeping my mouth shut and that's when it happened. "Tracy has all the books." My mother had gotten involved. For those of you that know me you know that I love my mom, I do but, I usually find her obnoxious if I am around her too much and living at home with her, well, that's way too much. When my mom drinks, as she was today, it makes it even worse. I am pretty sure I gave my mom the death glare. This was not a conversation I was about to get in to.

"I've never read the books, but I have heard they are better than the movies. Are they?" Susan asked. Oh no, I was now in this conversation whether I wanted to be or not. I really just wanted to run into the house and hide. From what I could tell Susan and Jennie are Twi-hards (obsessed Twilight fans. Even though they haven't read the books, they were still pretty bad) and the last thing anyone wants to do is piss off a Twi-hard. I don't think anyone has and has lived to tell about it.

"Well," I began, "books are usually better than movies, so I guess so. You understand the characters a little better in the books". It was the most generic and uncontroversial answer I could give, though it wasn't the complete truth. I was hoping that was the end of it and they would resume their conversation about Edward and Jacob.

"What's your favorite in the series?"

Shit. "Ahhh...umm...as far as the books, I guess I would say the first one. The movies, well I haven't really liked either of them". Uh-oh.


And that's the moment I snapped. I not only told them why I hated the movies, but why I wasn't particularly fond of the books.

"I can't stand Kristen Stewart. I think she's a horrible actress and she makes Bella even more annoying than in the books, which is hard to do. I think both the books and the movies give a horrible message to girls. The core audience of the series is middle school and high school girls. It tells them that it's okay to be obsessed with a guy after seeing him once; it tells them that it's okay to sit in a forest for 3 days crying because he left you. It teaches girls that the only way they can be happy is if they have their dream guy. Bella is a whiny teenager who just wants to get her way. There's no substance to the story-line. The characters don't develop at all. The only character I actually like in the whole thing is Alice and I don't mind Charlie or Carlisle. Every once else is annoying. Edward stalks Bella and is way too over protective of her. They act like their love is the most important thing in the world. It teaches kids that love is the only thing that's important in the world. It's far from a romantic story. It's sickening and makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. Edward is portrayed as this perfect person. Who can live up to that? Seriously? It just makes me sick".

"I can see that" Jennie replied.

They went on to talk about their conversation about who is better for Bella. It took every ounce of my being not to ruin the end for them...or to tell them a completely bogus ending.

Feeling nostalgic

It started with a very brief Twitter conversation with my friend Michael. I had tweeted (twatted if you are my grandfather) that I was on a huge Harry Potter kick and wanted to reread the series (I had started this past semester, but I ended up getting busy with school work and being an RA and whatnot); I am determined to finish the series by the end of summer or at the very latest before the first part of the 7th movie comes out.

Michael replied to that Tweet and said an old friend reminded him of another series from his youth that he needed to reread. That got me thinking about my favorite books of my childhood. Thiefirst books that I became obsessed with was The Baby-Sitter's Club series. Every time a new one came out, I had to get it right away. My grandpa and I went to Barnes and Nobel at least once a week and that's where my obsession started. Part of the reason I loved it so much was because I had just started baby-sitting my little cousins. My friend Amber and I even wanted to start our own baby-sitter's club. It never did turn out though, sadly.

I loved the books because I could relate to almost every character. Kristy was the tom-boy leader of the group. She came up with the idea of the club. She was a young businesswoman. Claudia was the fun, artsy person of the group. I usually liked the books that centered around her the most. She was just fun. Mary-Ann was the shy, sweet one. She also dated Logan (whom I was in LOVE with in the movie adaptation of the series).  Stacey was a New Yorker and diabetic. I don't know why that was important to write, but I do remember that about her. She left Stoney Brooke to go back to New York after her father gets transferred back there, but moves back to Stoney Brooke after her parents divorce. Dawn was the California girl. She was portrayed as a health nut and environmentalist. I believe that she was vegetarian as well, but I could be wrong. Mallory came from the huge ass family and, at 11-years-old, was one of the younger members of the group. I think she also got mono at one point. Jessi moved from Jersey to Stoney Brooke. I think she also really liked ballet. Logan was Mary-Ann's boyfriend and that's all I really remember about him. Those are all the main characters, I think.

I actually was in Border's the other day (shocker!) and saw that they have reprinted the books. I saw the very first one on the shelf of books recommended by the staff. I was pumped when I saw it. I miss those books a lot. They got me through grade school and middle school. This may sound dumb, but I felt like I was part of the club when I read those books. Middle school especially sucked for me, so reading those books was an amazing escape. I needed extra cash so I sold a lot of the books, which I now regret horribly. However, they are reprinting the books and I think I may need to purchase them. I did save my favorite ones, but now I wish I would have them in case I have a daughter someday so she could read them. I hope with the reprint that a whole new generation will enjoy them as much as I did.